
Just a few more days and i will be in 5th semester. The sem which started with pomp and show has come to a stage of good bye.

Today was the 1st sem exam which had driven away my sleep of almost a week. It was automata’s exam, godfather of computer science engg.

The moment question paper was handed over to me, my eyes scanned it quickly. No sooner I could start answering; my mind had transitioned into a state of dilemma. I could recall the Picasso that grew up in me in every automata class. Pangs of guilt struck me so hard that i felt like crumbling the question paper and running away.

None of the papers so far, except this one, had suffered due to the pursuance of my drawing skills in the lecture classes.

This subject had taken me aback.  I just don’t understand if we are born once, we die once and we love once the why can’t exams be just once in our lifetime.

First paper was an absolute heart attack, lets see what other papers are about to bring in for me.